SAHINSTONE 11.01.2010

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The increase in the population of the big cities has caused pollution, stress, noise in the modern world. People want to live in houses where they can be peaceful in a natural environment. Natural Stones are preferred building these houses.
Çan Stone (rainbow) is the most noticeable of these natural stones.
Rainbow has halos because of iron oxide and has patterns in respect of the amount of silica. The stone is mostly beige and yellow along with the tones of white, red and brown

Rainbow has halos because of iron oxide and has patterns in respect of the amount of silica. The stone is mostly beige and yellow along with the tones of white, red and brown.

The most common usages of Rainbow in the construction sector are the in and outside coating of the buildings. Because of its patterned appearance, it’s used for decorative purposes such as fireplace, barbecue coatings, garden walls. Vases, ashtrays, penholders, aquarium stones are other usage areas of the Rainbow.

Rainbow is produced in the district of Çan in Çanakkale, Turkey.
In the early years of the production simple techniques were used. With the advancement of technology it has developed.

The production can be made through out the year.

The shapeless and irregular blocks larger than 0.50m3 are sorted out in the open mines and are cut into various widths and free lengths according to the wish of the client in an average of 4cm thickness in the workshop.

The cutting is done by a diamond socket circular saw. After the dimension is given, the stones that have an average of 3-4cm thickness are sorted out in square meters, the ones that have an average of 5.5cm thickness in meters. The front face of the coating stones are split and the thickness is reduced to 2-3cm and got an embossed design according to the wish.

The tumbled stones used for garden walls are obtained by stones smaller than 0.50m3 by rounding them in the mill. They are packed in bigbags to be transported. The stones that have been cut are packed in wooden palettes.

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